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Octubre 2020

Latin American poetry reading at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Tema: Cinosargo presents: Latin American poetry reading at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Hora: 15 oct 2020 01:00 PM Ciudad de México

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 894 2654 1877

Código de acceso: 102471

Con la participación del poeta argentino Luis Benítez a quien katakana editores publicó en traducción al inglés THE AFTERNOON OF THE ELEPHANT AND OTHER POEMS. Para obtener su libro dar click a la imagen:

Sit down at the author´s table and take part in a conversation about their latest creations. The Latin American poets will read their poetry published by Cinosargo either in a personal book or in anthologies related to literary festivals that Cinosargo has organized during its fourteen years of experience. In this activity, we want to allow readers and the public of the Frankfurt fair to get closer to various aesthetics that have emerged in recent years within the diverse and complex Latin American territory.


Participating authors: Minerva Reynosa (Mexico), Roy Sigüenza (Ecuador), Luis Benitez (Argentina), Virginia Benavides (Peru), Kreit Vargas (Peru), Juan Carreño (Chile) and Iris Kiya (Bolivia)


This talk will be held in Spanish


Moderator: Milvia Alata


Daniel Rojas Pachas

Director de Cinosargo Ediciones

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