En el Pembroke Pines Theater of the Performing Arts, ubicado en 17195 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, se está llevando a cabo el famoso musical Evita con música de Andrew Lloyd Weber y letra de Tim Rice. Evita, es un clásico muy bien recibido, desde 1978. Apenas el telón comenzó a subir se sentía la emoción del público. La historia se concentra en la vida de Eva Perón, la segunda esposa del presidente argentino, Juan Perón.
El musical nos va mostrando el ascenso al poder de Eva a través de su matrimonio, el amor y devoción por los ciudadanos de Argentina, y finalmente su muerte y el efecto que esto causa en el país y sus ciudadanos.
A lo largo de los años, he visto muchas producciones de este famoso musical, y puedo decir sinceramente que este grupo local, dirigido por Jeffrey Short, con la directora musical Irma Gloria y la increíble coreografía de Del Marrero, no me defraudó ni a mí ni a otros asistentes del espectáculo. La producción fue vertiginosa y el público quedó cautivado con las actuaciones de Mariangela Collado, quien interpreta a Eva, en las matinés de los sábados (Gabbi González, la interpreta en otras funciones durante la semana). El musical también está protagonizado por Saheed Paban, interpretando al narrador, quien personifica al “Che” (Ernesto “Che” Guevara) que, si bien fue contemporáneo de Evita, jamás se conocieron en persona, este aparece como el nexo entre la trama y el público y como crítico de Eva, mostrando la realidad y la razón; su actuación es excelente. Joshua Roland Bran Kemp interpreta al presidente de Argentina, Juan Perón. El conjunto de baile y canto es muy dinámico y tiene todo el vigor como para mantener a la audiencia cautivada.
Debo destacar que la escenografía y cambios escénicos están magistralmente resueltos utilizando variaciones de luces y elementos del decorado sobre ruedas que los mismos actores van desplazando para los diferentes cambios de escena.
Algunos miembros de la audiencia mostraron una apreciación obvia de las actuaciones con la ovación de pie al final, y yo fui uno de ellos, ¡porque realmente creo que esta es una excelente interpretación de Evita!
El público se quedó con una abrumadora impresión de Eva. Es increíble que su legado continúe después de su muerte a los treinta y tres años en 1952 y se mantenga vivo gracias a este musical de su vida desde que fue creado en 1978.
Las próximas presentaciones son los días 5, 6 y 7 de agosto. Para aquellos que quieran asistir pueden ir al website: http://pptopa.com/
La próxima producción en el teatro será SWEENEY TODD, en octubre, y estoy segura de que será otro éxito.

At the Pembroke Pines Theater of the Performing Arts, located at 17195 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, the famous musical Evita is being performed with music by Andrew Lloyd Weber and lyrics by Tim Rice. Evita is a very well received classic, since 1978. As soon as the curtain began to rise, the emotion of the public was felt. The story focuses on the life of Eva Perón, the second wife of Argentine President Juan Perón.
The musical shows us Eva’s rise to power through her marriage, her love and devotion for the citizens of Argentina, and finally her death and the effect this has on the country and its citizens.
Over the years I have seen many productions of this famous musical, and I can honestly say that this local group, led by Jeffrey Short, with musical director Irma Gloria and amazing choreography by Del Marrero, did not let me down or other attendees of the show. The production was fast paced, and the audience was captivated by the performances of Mariangela Collado, who plays Eva, at the Saturday matinees (Gabbi González plays her at other shows during the week). The musical also stars Saheed Paban, playing the narrator, who personifies “Che” (Ernesto “Che” Guevara) who, although he was a contemporary of Evita, never met in person, he appears as the link between the plot and the public and as a critic of Eva, showing reality and reason; his acting is excellent. Joshua Roland Bran Kemp plays the president of Argentina, Juan Perón. The singing and dancing ensemble is very dynamic and has all the energy to keep the audience enthralled.
I must point out that the scenography and the scenic changes are masterfully resolved using variations of lights and elements of the set on wheels that the same actors move for the different scene changes.
Obvious appreciation of the performances was shown by some of the audience by the standing ovation at the end, and I was one of them, because I really thought this was an excellent rendition of Evita.
The audience was left with an overwhelming impression of Eva. It is incredible that her legacy continues after she died at 33 in 1952 and kept alive by this musical of her life since it was created in 1978.
The next presentations are on August 5th, 6th and 7th. For those who want to attend you can go to the website: http://pptopa.com/
The next production at the theater will be SWEENEY TODD, in October, and I am sure it will be another success.
© All rights reserved for the review Linda Burrowes
Linda Burrowes has a diversified background, she graduated from the University of Alabama with a Degree in Special Ed and Child psychology. After graduating she met her future husband on a job interview in Kingston, Jamaica. After they married, she lived in Jamaica where she worked on private cases with children of special needs. The family later lived in the Cayman Islands, where she managed a Timeshare Resort for 18 years. Linda also volunteered as an Administrator of the Cayman Islands Harquail Theatre where some grease paint apparently got in her blood, and she acted for a couple of years. After her family moved to Miami, Florida, she worked as Assistant to three Ministers at The Church By The Sea in Bal Harbour, for 18 years. After a diagnosis of Breast Cancer in 1997, she founded the popular and active Breast Cancer Support Group,Your Bosom Buddies, which has branches in Miami, Davie, and West Palm Beach. The meetings of the group in Miami were held at Baptist Hospital and her work with Breast Cancer patients was well known and she was offered a position as a Breastcancer navigator at the Baptist Breast Center, a position she held until her retirement in 2016. She continues to be very active counseling Breast Cancer patients with her involvement in Your Bosom Buddies.